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Let GG be a group, and let HGH\subset G be a subset(subgroup better). aG\forall a\in G:

  • aH={ah:hH}aH=\{ah:h\in H\} is the left coset of HH containing aa
  • Ha={ha:hH}Ha=\{ha:h\in H\} is the right coset of HH containing aa
  • aHa1={aha1:hH}aHa^{-1}=\{aha^{-1}:h\in H\} (the the conjugate of HH with respect to aa)
  • such aa above is called a coset representative

Lemma: Now consider HG,a,bGH\subset G, a,b\in G, then we have following properties:

  1. aaHa\in aH
  2. aH=H    aHaH = H \iff a\in H
  3. (ab)H=a(bH)(ab)H = a(bH) and H(ab)=(Ha)bH(ab) = (Ha)b
  4. aH=bH    abH    a1bHaH=bH \iff a\in bH \iff a^{-1}b\in H
    • similarly, Ha=Hb    aHb    ba1HHa = Hb \iff a\in Hb \iff ba^{-1}\in H
  5. (aH=bHaH = bH or aHbH=aH\cap bH = \empty) and (Ha=HbHa = Hb or HaHb=Ha\cap Hb = \empty)
  6. aH=bH|aH| = |bH|
  7. aH=Ha    H=aHa1=a1HaaH = Ha \iff H = a H a^{-1} = a^{-1}Ha
  8. aHaH is a subgroup of HH     aH\iff a\in H
  9. (aH)1=Ha1(aH)^{-1} = Ha^{-1}
  10. HH is fixed by all inner automorphisms of G

Lagrange's Theorem

Lagrange's theorem:

  • G<,HG    HG|G| < \infty, H \le G \implies |H| | |G|
  • the number of left/right cosets of HH in GG is G/H|G|/|H|

Then we have following corollaries, before that we need have some definitions. WE define the number of distinct left cosets of HH in GG as G:H|G: H| and called it index.

  • The second point from lagrange's theorem can be wrote as G<,HG    G:H=G/H|G| < \infty, H \le G \implies |G: H| = |G|/|H| now.
  • G<,aG,aG|G| < \infty, \forall a\in G, |a| | |G|
  • A group of prime order is cyclic.
  • G<,aG    aG=e|G| < \infty, a\in G \implies a^{|G|} = e
  • Fermat's Little Theorem: apa(mod p)a^p \equiv a(mod \ p), p is a prime

An Application of Cosets to Permutation Groups

Let GG be a permutation group of a set SS. For each iSi\in S,

  • we define stabG(i)={ϕG:ϕ(i)=i}stab_G(i) = \{\phi\in G : \phi(i) = i\}. We call stabG(i)stab_G(i) the stabilizer of ii under GG.
  • we define orbG(i)={ϕ(i):ϕG}orb_G(i) = \{\phi(i): \phi\in G\}. We call orbG(i)orb_G(i) the orbit of ii under GG.


Let H,KH, K be two finite subgroups of a group GG. Define HK={hk:hH,kK}    HK=HKHKHK = \{hk:h\in H, k\in K\} \implies |HK| =\frac{|H||K|}{|H\cap K|}

  • HK=KH    HKHK = KH \iff HK is a subgroup in GG


Every group of order 2p2p for a prime p>2p > 2 is isomorphic to Z2p\Z_{2p} or DpD_p


G=2p    G|G| = 2p \implies G contains an element of order pp.